Saturday, January 13, 2018

Pastor's Report Preview - January 2018

[This is a preview of my report for the January business meeting of Boothbay Baptist Church. SN].
Pastor’s Report – January 2018
Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.  29 He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength” (Isa 40:28-29).
       The prophet Isaiah declared the message of God’s covenant faithfulness and called the people to obedience and hope as they put their trust in Him.  In the fullness of time, God sent His Son into this sin-cursed world, revealing His love and making a way for sinners to be reconciled to Him. In light of that fuller revelation of the grace of God we look ahead with a sure hope: God has a plan and He will bring it to pass! As God works out His-Story on the stage of human history, by grace we have been included in the cast. With that assurance may Boothbay Baptist Church continue to be a Lighthouse of God’s grace and truth.
       Once again, this last quarter has been focused on outreach. As I write this report (1/11/18) we are planning to host our annual Word of Life FASCAR event tonight. We have had a new challenge in not being able to pass out invitations in the schools, but we have done our best to hand out invitations and to publicize via social media. The goal is to have a fun night with the children, but especially to have a platform where we can share the gospel and strengthen relationships with parents and kids. Next week we plan to restart our children’s ministry as we invite those attending FASCAR to come back for our Thursday night youth meeting. The quarter began with our biggest Trunk or Treat event yet, as we met this year at the YMCA because of the weather. Having a team from WOL Bible Institute definitely enhanced the outreach. CEF was also there, as well as many of our church people, handing out tracts and looking for opportunities to share Christ.  New this year was our first ever “Journey to Bethlehem” event. Coordinated by Meredith Fowlie, and with help from our friends at Boothbay Region Community Fellowship, we had participation from most of our church family – carpentry, music, snacks, fellowship, greeting, guiding, logistics… it was all-hands-on-deck! We were able to share Bible portions with some who had interest, and hopefully, point many closer to the One who is the reason for season.
       Our church is also participating once again in the community lunches at St. Columba’s in Boothbay Harbor, hosting the soup / luncheon once a month.  We have had excellent participation for the first two lunches, and the people have expressed appreciation for our involvement.  This is a good opportunity for our people to mingle with some folks from the community that we might not otherwise see, and to seek to share our faith with them. We are looking at ways to continue and strengthen our “outward focus” as we seek to love our neighbors and point them to Jesus.
       As I’ve resumed preaching through the Gospel of Mark since completing our Advent series in December, I have been fascinated at how frequently this gospel illustrates the LaserChurch focus we have talked about over the last couple of years. We consistently see people interceding, pleading with the Lord to help their family or friends, even as they bring those friends to Him. When we talk about our mission, we need to continue to prioritize praying for and sharing with the small group of people that God has sovereignly and strategically put in our lives. Some of them don’t yet know the Lord, others perhaps have professed faith, but don’t attend a Bible teaching church. Keep praying, and look for opportunities to give an invitation card, share a tract or Gospel, or perhaps to speak up, and give a reason for the hope you have in Jesus! As we look to the Lord, we can be optimistic that He will accomplish His purpose as we continue to serve Him in 2018!
Your co-workers in Christ,

Pastor Steve and Mary Ann

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