Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Letter to Boothbay Baptist Church members re: reopening in person services

Re:  Reopening Letter to Boothbay Baptist Church                                                                                            May 27, 2020
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
       I want to begin by expressing our thanks to God for allowing us to safely navigate this initial phase of this Coronavirus pandemic. Our community and our church family have been, for the most part, protected through these days, for which we should all be grateful. Some other areas of the country and the world have not had the same experience. I also want to express my thankfulness to each of you for your patience and cooperation as we have passed through this time.
      The recent steps taken by our President and his team, along with the recommendations of our governor, have opened the door to us reestablishing “in person” worship services at our church almost immediately. I would like to share with you some of the steps we are taking, and also the precautions the elders are recommending, starting this week. We are relying on the best information we have from the CDC and from the Christian Civic League and Carroll Conley*, who have been helping us think through some of the issues with which we are confronted. Please consider the needs of others, and not personal preference, in your response to these guidelines and requests. Let’s be willing to esteem others as more important than ourselves, and let love for the brethren, and deference toward a weaker brother, guide our attitudes and actions.
     1. Initially, to maintain proper social distancing, we will be limited to 50 people in the sanctuary. I believe that we can set up a live stream alternative for overflow in the Fellowship Hall which will allow for an additional 25 or so to be seated with proper spacing, which would also be available to those who choose for a time to watch from home. Our church annual meeting on June 3rd will be a “hybrid” event, with attenders physically present, while others participate via Zoom. June 7th will be our first official worship service as we restart meeting back in our building (We will consider adding a second service if necessary in the summer if needed).
     2. The CDC is specifically recommending that the most vulnerable consider participating online for awhile longer, but that is not a requirement. We want to leave that to you to decide what you are comfortable with. We will do everything we can on our end to maintain a safe environment.
     3. For the comfort and safety of our most vulnerable, we are asking all to respect “social distancing” and at least initially, we are asking that all use face coverings. Alternate rows will be closed off in the sanctuary, and families can sit close together, but spacing of at least six feet should be maintained between family units.
     4. We ask that congregating with friends and conversing happen outside the building, and request that social distancing still be maintained for the peace of mind and safety of all. When you enter the foyer, you will be directed by ushers to an open seating area and we ask that you move directly to your seat for the duration of the service.
     5. Once we reach our 50 person limit, those entering will be directed to the lower level, via the stairs off the main foyer. Those who need the lift to access the lower level will be able to use it one at a time.
     6. Sunday School for all ages will restart in September, God willing, when public schools reopen.
     7. Initially we will not be providing nursery, and are considering holding Children’s church in the Christy Room starting week 2, if 1) parents can escort their children back and forth from the 999-B lower level during the hymn before the message, and pick them up promptly during the closing hymn; 2) parents who are members or regular attenders, are willing to take a turn at teaching the lesson (if you are willing, please e-mail or call Mary Ann ASAP so a schedule can be established).  This is to make sure we are able to maintain social distancing between the children. Children initially will remain seated with their parents.
       Thank you again for patiently working through this with us. Our June 3rd Annual Meeting will provide an opportunity for your input and suggestions, but in the meantime, feel free to contact me or one of the elders.
Your brother in Christ,
Pastor Steve Nash   

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