Boothbay Baptist Church – Pastor’s Report – October 2017
“...Go home to your people and tell them what the Lord has done for you..."
(Mark 5:19b).
The Fall colors
and cool nights make it clear that summer is over and a new season is upon us.
As surely as changes are happening around Boothbay Center, we at Boothbay
Baptist Church need to be willing to be flexible, growing together as God
directs us into the future. The process may bring some discomfort, but at least
for the church, the end result will be glorifying to the Lord! Certain things
cannot change: our commitment to the Lord and to seeking His glory; our
commitment to the Bible as God’s infallible and inspired Word; our desire to
not only know what the Bible says, but our willingness to submit to the
authority of the Word in every area of life. It is my hope that our current
preaching series in the Gospel of Mark is challenging us to deepen our
understanding of who Jesus is, and to strengthen our appreciation of why He
came, while also provoking us to consider what it means to follow Him. I am learning, and hopefully growing, each
week. My hope is that you are as well.
quarter Vacation Bible School was once again a successful outreach as a team of
workers came together to minister to more than 50 children, sharing
Christ–centered lessons. Our “Church on
the Go” summer prayer / Bible study was a success as we moved from house to
house for our Wednesday night studies until mid-September. These times together presented a “small group”
environment where we encouraged and challenged one another, as the writer to
the Hebrews said, “…provoking one another
to love and good works…” Our
Wednesday night meeting is now meeting in the parsonage, and we share a warm
time of fellowship and worship, through music, Bible study, and prayer. The elders are open to other small groups
starting so please talk with us about your interest. Fay Murphy has restarted a
Wednesday morning ladies’ Bible study, and we continue to host an early morning
men’s coffee and prayer time at 6:30 AM on Tuesday. Our Fall outreach event, “Trunk
or Treat,” will be bigger than ever this year, including about 20 students from
Word of Life Bible Institute who will be helping with two bounce houses and a
climbing wall! C.E.F. will be participating as well, seeking to share the
Gospel with children. Please help us promote this event, scheduled for Monday,
October 30th, starting at 5:30 PM. If you can help, either by
decorating your vehicle or with the food table, please let us know as soon as
possible. We’ll also need to house the Word of Life students for Monday night.
Be encouraged,
changes are coming, but Jesus is Lord, and He is still building His church.
Let’s continue to trust Him and also to do His will. Let’s commit to serving Him together, and
embracing the mission that He has entrusted to us.
Your coworkers in Christ,
Pastor Steve and Mary Ann
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